Advantages Of Renting Equipment

The Rental Guys take a look at the advantages of renting equipment versus owning your equipment.

Let’s face it, owning every piece of equipment you might ever need is an impractical and unrealistic expectation. No matter how much equipment you own, sooner or later a task will pop up that will require something you don’t have. Renting equipment has many advantages over ownership. Let’s take a look.

Cost Of Use – Don’t pay for equipment when you don’t need it. When you rent equipment your cost of use stops when you are finished with your job. When the job is complete, simply return the equipment to the rental company. No worries about ongoing ownership costs or where to store the equipment,


Low Initial Cost

No Maintenance Cost

No Surprises

Only pay for the equipment when you actually need it.



High Initial Cost

Variable Maintenance Cost

Repair Surprises

Equipment cost is constant whether it’s being used or not

Modern Equipment – Most rental companies strive for a fleet age of around 5 years. This means that renting equipment allows you to operate newer equipment. Newer equipment is more reliable and generally safer than older equipment. The Rental Guys maintenance program keeps our equipment fleet safe and reliable and in peak operating condition.
Convenience – When you rent equipment you simply make a phone call to order what you need and have it delivered where you need it. Owning your equipment means you need to get your equipment ready to run, handle the transportation to your jobsite and then making sure to keep it maintained and repaired. All these things are eliminated when you rent.
SkyJack 3219 Scissor LiftApplication – Let’s say you own a 19′ scissor lift. Naturally you’re going to want to utilize your own equipment whenever possible. Who wants to pay for a rental when you already own a unit. Suppose a job comes along where you need to work at 20′. You might be tempted to send your 19′ scissor lift to the job. That unit is only a foot short of the working height you need. That might not sound like a big deal but in reality it can turn into an unsafe situation if you or your operator have to improvise in order to reach where you need. You would be much better off using a 20 – 24′ unit for this job. That would let you reach everything you needed to safely.

Another scenario would be using a forklift you might own to lift workers. A definite no-no. Remember forklifts are designed to lift material – not people.

Renting equipment allows you to specify the exact type and size of equipment you need and perform your work safer and more efficiently.

Digger - The Rental Guys MascotCall The Rental Guys – Regardless of your particular equipment needs, we’re happy to discuss your situation and assist in making your project a success. Put our experience and industry knowledge to work for you!