That’s right – Spring is definitely here. One way to tell is that everything is growing and turning green. Another sign of Spring is the explosion of Orange Barrels and Barricades on our streets and highways. Apparently it was mating season for Cones and Barrels and they have now all hatched and are living on our roadways. They are in our way!
This area seemingly has more that the usual amount of traffic congestion when Spring rolls around. We’re lucky to have 5 bridges to allow good access back and forth across the Mississippi River. It seems like they work on them all at the same time.
Throw in a new I-74 Bridge, some major road construction and all the potholes and you’ve got yourself a big population of the little Orange Cones and Barrels.
If you are getting ready to set out a few Orange Cones of your own for your Spring project, come see us at The Rental Guys! We’ve got all the equipment you need to get your project done fast, safely and under budget.